Frank Meyer: 12 books

Book cover of On The Road With The Ramones
by MonteA Melnick, Frank Meyer
Language: English
Release Date: March 4, 2010

The Ramones' music has influenced nearly every power pop, punk, alternative, and metal band. Monte A. Melnick served as The Ramones tour manager from their early New York club days in the '70s to their farewell gigs in 1996. He was the fifth Ramone and was there through the arrests, the ODs the fights,...
Book cover of Diaper Dude

Diaper Dude

The Ultimate Dad's Guide to Surviving the First Two Years

by Chris Pegula, Frank Meyer
Language: English
Release Date: May 9, 2017

Dude, you're a dad now! Picking up where From Dude to Dad left off, author and founder of the popular Diaper Dude parenting brand Chris Pegula dives into the first two years of parenting and furthers his deeply held belief that you don't have to lose yourself when you become a father. Once...
Book cover of From Dude to Dad

From Dude to Dad

The Diaper Dude Guide to Pregnancy

by Chris Pegula, Frank Meyer
Language: English
Release Date: May 6, 2014

Congrats: You’re going to be a dad! Now what? Dude, relax; you’re going to be fine. But it wouldn’t hurt to get a few pointers—a road map of what lies ahead. That’s what this book is for. From Dude to Dad gives you the need-to-know essentials on pregnancy, birthing, and parenthood,...
Book cover of What Is Conservatism?
by Frank S Meyer
Language: English
Release Date: September 15, 2015

What Is Conservatism? (1964) is a conservative classic—as relevant today as it was half a century ago.   Just what is conservatism? Many people are groping for answers, especially as conservatives seem to be retreating into factions—Tea Partiers, traditionalists, libertarians, social conservatives,...
Book cover of Middletown 4

Middletown 4


by Brent Abell, Rebecca Besser, Frank J. Edler
Language: English
Release Date: January 8, 2019

Where people gather, danger awaits. Where there is humanity, there is unrest. These two ideas meet at Unrestival. The Middletown series continues rolling through American culture. This time around the apocalyptic series stops at a New York festival dedicated to purging the unrest of humankind. Find...
Book cover of Psychodynamic Perspectives on Working with Children, Families, and Schools
by Michael O'Loughlin, Ana Archangelo, Derek Bunyard
Language: English
Release Date: December 8, 2012

With the push toward accountability and test performance in schools there has been a decline in emphasis on creativity, imagination, and feelings in schools. Psychodynamic Perspectives on Working with Children, Families, and Schools is designed for students and professionals who are interested in...
Book cover of Alternative Approaches in Music Education

Alternative Approaches in Music Education

Case Studies from the Field

by Frank Abrahams, Joseph Abramo, Carlos Abril
Language: English
Release Date: October 16, 2010

Explore the creative ways music educators across the country are approaching emerging practices in music teaching and learning. Outlined in twenty-five unique case studies, each program offers a new perspective on music teaching and learning, often falling outside the standard music education curriculum....
Book cover of Weihnachtsgeschichten am Kamin 27
by Sabine Rheinhold, Anni Wollrath, Joachim Frank
Language: German
Release Date: November 1, 2012

Am schönsten ist eine Weihnachtsgeschichte, wenn sie vorgelesen wird! Wenn die Christbaumkugeln im Kerzenlicht funkeln und der Blick aus dem Fenster auf die weiße Winterlandschaft fällt, dann ist der Moment gekommen, sich im Kreise der Lieben zusammenzufinden. Nichts ist dabei herrlicher, als gemeinsam...
Book cover of Katholisches Medienhandbuch

Katholisches Medienhandbuch

Fakten - Praxis - Perspektiven

by Alexander Filipovic, Andreas Büsch, Astrid Haas
Language: German
Release Date: August 15, 2013

Der rasante Medienwandel stellt die katholische Kirche und ihren Kommunikationsauftrag vor enorme Herausforderungen. Wie kann sich Kirche in einer durch Medien bestimmten Gesellschaft noch Gehör verschaffen? Sind Kirche und Medien überhaupt kompatibel? Und wie gelingt ihr der Spagat zwischen ihrer...
Book cover of ... und den Mond als Licht für die Nacht

... und den Mond als Licht für die Nacht

Andachten zur Nacht im Kirchenjahr

by Michael Weinrich, Magdalene L. Frettlöh, Barbara Müller
Language: German
Release Date: June 19, 2013

74 Texte zur Nacht, 74 profilierte Autorinnen und Autoren: Der Band bietet eine einzigartige Sammlung verschiedener Zugänge, Stile, Einfälle und Gedanken. Bibelstellen zur Nacht sind den Sonntagen und Festtagen des Kirchenjahrs zugeordnet, so dass keiner leer ausgeht. Der Band eignet sich für Abendandachten...
Book cover of Die Bar am Ende des Universums 3

Die Bar am Ende des Universums 3

Remote Viewer in Deutschland berichten, 3. Anflug 2011

by Dirk Rödel, Tabea Zimmermann, Ralf Paulsen
Language: German
Release Date: February 27, 2012

Nach vier Jahren ist es wieder soweit: ein weiterer Band aus der Reihe "Die Bar am Ende des Universums - Remote Viewer berichten" erscheint. In Zusammenarbeit mir der Remote Viewing-Akademie ist es Herausgeber Manfred Jelinski, selbst RV-Ausbilder und Lehrbuchautor, zum dritten Mal gelungen,...
Book cover of Wenn das Erbe in die Wolke kommt

Wenn das Erbe in die Wolke kommt

Digitalisierung und kulturelles Erbe

by Christian Baisch, Alexandra Bloch-Pfister, Frank Dührkohp
Language: German
Release Date: December 10, 2015

Der von der Abteilung Volkskunde des LVR-Instituts für Landeskunde (LVR-ILR) verantwortete Sammelband fasst die Ergebnisse der Jahrestagung 2014 der Abteilung und des DFG-Projektes „Digitales Portal Alltagskulturen im Rheinland" zusammen. „Wenn das Erbe in die Wolke kommt" - hinter dem Titel versteckt...
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