Jacqueline: 1933 books

Book cover of Looking At Me
by Jacqueline George, Annabel Gold
Language: English
Release Date: February 14, 2013

Shane is a wild force of nature. He loves his woman, and delights in her body. He thinks about sex all the time and, when he is away, he writes scorching stories about his lover and reads them to her over the phone. She becomes addicted to Shane and his stories, but what does the future hold for...
Book cover of A Walk on the Wildside
by Jacqueline George
Language: English
Release Date: February 14, 2013

Four stories exploring some of the by-ways of romance and sex. Jacqueline brings some spicy tales of relationships that are not quite commonplace.
Book cover of Europe in Love
by Jacqueline George
Language: English
Release Date: November 10, 2013

Four beautiful and romantic stories from a mistress of the Good Life. Colourful, erotic, a wonderful blend of European places and history. From the sophistication of Paris to the Carpathians in war time,from modern Bremen to ancient Hungary, Jacqueline paints rich, erotic pictures of love and romance in the Old World.
Book cover of Foreign Affairs
by Jacqueline George
Language: English
Release Date: August 19, 2013

A book of sexy, romantic stories is hauled before the courts. What happens when a book of sexy romantic stories is hauled before Priscilla and her committee of censors? Will she be able to pin down author John Trehearne and get his dirty book banned? The trouble is – the stories are too...
Book cover of Nouvel abrégé de philosophie - 6e éd.
by Jacqueline Russ, France Farago
Language: French
Release Date: June 8, 2016

Le Nouvel Abrégé de philosophie s'est imposé comme le livre compagnon idéal pour mieux suivre en philo et affronter avec un maximum de sécurité les épreuves du Bac. Au-delà, sa précision et sa richesse en font le plus précieux des mémentos pour celui qui se lance dans ses études de philosophie. Cette...
Book cover of Nouvel abrégé de philosophie - 6e éd.
by Jacqueline Russ, France Farago
Language: French
Release Date: June 8, 2016

Le***Nouvel Abrégé de philosophie*** s'est imposé comme le livre compagnon idéal pour mieux suivre en philo et affronter avec un maximum de sécurité les épreuves du Bac. Au-delà, sa précision et sa richesse en font le plus précieux des mémentos pour celui qui se lance dans ses études de...
Book cover of Chantebêtes


Poèmes illustrés

by Jacqueline Held
Language: French
Release Date: August 3, 2018

Une expression poétique de la relation animaux-hommes. Avec l’homme, Chien et chat Cheminaient. Le chat Qui chuchotait Un matin Aboya. – C’est bien d’toi, Dit l’homme. Tu n’en fais Jamais d’autres. Alors Le chien miaula. Chacun s’y retrouva. Laissez-vous séduire par...
Book cover of Kiss
by Jacqueline Wilson
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 7, 2011

Un grande successo, ormai un classico, da una delle autrici per ragazzi più famose nel mondo. Fin da piccola Sylvie ha sempre pensato che avrebbe sposato Carl, che conosce da tutta la vita. Ma con l'adolescenza le cose cambiano: scuola nuova, amici nuovi sembrano trasformare Carl. Perché lui preferisce...
Book cover of The Scrying Stone

The Scrying Stone

Book Three 'Sophronia and the Vampire', #3

by Jacqueline Farrell
Language: English
Release Date: August 30, 2017

Fifty, English and a professional crone, Sophronia Sheridan is still stuck in California, trying to keep her young protege, Charlie, safe, whilst at the same time figure out a way to explain to Hagen, the dangerously attractive vampire lord, that she may have killed two of his friends. Yevgeni, their...
Book cover of New York Studio Conversations

New York Studio Conversations

Seventeen Women Talk About Art

by Lisa Ruyter, Kiki Smith, Joyce Kozloff
Language: English
Release Date: July 11, 2018

New York Studio Conversations presents a series of sixteen interviews with female artists conducted by the art historian Stephanie Buhmann. Looking for an approach beyond the mainstream media coverage of the art market, Buhmann visited the artists in their studios and gained insights in this intimate...
Book cover of The Grants of Maxwell Street
by Jacqueline Opresnik
Language: English
Release Date: May 29, 2017

Thirty years of -mystery, love, adventure, war, guilt, espionage, foreign lands, and family during the turbulent times of 1910-1939.The story opens in 1919 shortly after the end of WWI and introduces the nine characters of the story as well as the mysteries and circumstances surrounding each.  The...
Book cover of Schooling for Life

Schooling for Life

Reclaiming the Essence of Learning

by Jacqueline Grennon Brooks
Language: English
Release Date: August 8, 2002

Too many students experience school as a place to put in time . . . and view their lives within school walls as distinctly different from their lives at home and in their community. Too many educators seem to share that point of view and focus more on lists of standards than the students they are...
Book cover of Of Bullies and Bandaids
by Jacqueline Carl
Language: English
Release Date: August 10, 2013

The saga of an imprint vulture, with one foot in the wild, the other irrevocably among humans. Is he a harbinger of death, or a reminder of renewal? From the nonfiction book, Whispers from the Wild: Stories from a Wildlife Center--one of a collection of feel-good tales about animals, their...
Book cover of Go Ahead & Like It
by Jacqueline Suskin
Language: English
Release Date: April 28, 2015

An artistic, smart self-help book that prompts and inspires readers to write lists of things they like--a simple yet profound way to collect and remember the good in daily life. This scrapbook-style art book is an invitation to write lists of things you like: small things that bring delight,...
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