Jean Paul Thomas: 13 books

Book cover of Chronique des idées d'aujourd'hui

Chronique des idées d'aujourd'hui

Éloge de la volonté

by Jean-Michel Besnier, Jean-Paul Thomas
Language: French
Release Date: January 1, 1987

La lanterne des intellectuels est bien falote. La critique des pouvoirs entretient aujourd'hui un refus systématique des idéaux : il n'est plus question de transformer le monde mais seulement de résister à l'Histoire. Les politiques en ont tiré la leçon. De droite ou de gauche, ils se méfient...
Book cover of Misère de la bioéthique : pour une morale contre les apprentis sorciers
by Jean-Paul Thomas
Language: French
Release Date: January 1, 1990

L’évolution de la biologie, l’apparition de technologies nouvelles qui, dans ce domaine, ne cessent de transformer la pratique médicale posent soudain aux hommes des problèmes éthiques que les morales traditionnelles, religieuses ou laïques, ne sont pas capables de résoudre. À la confiance...
Book cover of La Voie du Sabre - Tome 01

La Voie du Sabre - Tome 01

Les Cendres de l'enfance

by Thomas Day, Mathieu Mariolle, Federico Ferniani
Language: French
Release Date: March 6, 2013

Un récit d’apprentissage sur les routes d’un Japon médiéval et mythologique La vie du jeune Mikédi, fils du chef de guerre Nakamura, est bouleversée lorsque débarque dans la forteresse où il vit un samouraï de légende, Miyamoto Musashi. Cet homme, puissant et repoussant à bien...
Book cover of Compressibility, Turbulence and High Speed Flow
by Thomas B. Gatski, Jean-Paul Bonnet
Language: English
Release Date: February 27, 2009

This book introduces the reader to the field of compressible turbulence and compressible turbulent flows across a broad speed range through a unique complimentary treatment of both the theoretical foundations and the measurement and analysis tools currently used. For the computation of turbulent compressible...
Book cover of Compressibility, Turbulence and High Speed Flow
by Thomas B. Gatski, Jean-Paul Bonnet
Language: English
Release Date: March 5, 2013

Compressibility, Turbulence and High Speed Flow introduces the reader to the field of compressible turbulence and compressible turbulent flows across a broad speed range, through a unique complimentary treatment of both the theoretical foundations and the measurement and analysis tools currently used. The...
Book cover of Energy Density Functional Methods for Atomic Nuclei
by Michael Bender, Aurel Bulgac, Thomas Duguet
Language: English
Release Date: January 28, 2019

In the past 20 years, energy density functional (EDF) approaches have become a powerful framework to study the structure and reactions of atomic nuclei. This book provides an updated presentation of non-relativistic and covariant energy functionals, single- and multi-reference methods, and techniques...
Book cover of Die Französische Revolution

Die Französische Revolution

Programmatische Texte von Robespierre bis de Sade

by Antoine de Condorcet, Jean-Paul Marat, Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès
Language: German
Release Date: February 7, 2012

Die Französische Revolution war ein Experimentierfeld für die Neugestaltung der modernen Gesellschaft. Auf allen gesellschaftspolitisch relevanten Ebenen wurden neue Praktiken ausprobiert und emanzipatorische Neuordnungsmodelle entworfen. Dieses "Musterbuch der Moderne" experimentierte...
Book cover of History of American Political Thought
by George Alecusan, John E. Alvis, Donald R. Brand
Language: English
Release Date: January 8, 2019

Revised and updated, this long-awaited second edition provides a comprehensive introduction to what the most thoughtful Americans have said about the American experience from the colonial period to the present. The book examines the political thought of the most important American statesmen, activists,...
Book cover of Reading Heidegger's Black Notebooks 1931–1941
by Fred R. Dallmayr, Steven Crowell, Gregory Fried
Language: English
Release Date: February 26, 2016

Heidegger scholars consider the philosopher's recently published notebooks, including the issues of Heidegger's Nazism and anti-Semitism. For more than forty years, the philosopher Martin Heidegger logged ideas and opinions in a series of notebooks, known as the “Black Notebooks” after...
Book cover of Critical Issues in Peace and Conflict Studies

Critical Issues in Peace and Conflict Studies

Theory, Practice, and Pedagogy

by Sean Byrne, Ousmane Bakary Bâ, Thomas Boudreau
Language: English
Release Date: May 19, 2011

Critical Issues in Peace and Conflict Studies: Theory, Practice, and Pedagogy, edited by Thomas Maty-k, Jessica Senehi, and Sean Byrne, discusses critical issues in the emerging field of Peace and Conflict Studies, and suggests a framework for the future development of the field and the education...
Book cover of Verner Suomi

Verner Suomi

The Life and Work of the Founder of Satellite Meteorology

by Jean M. Phillips, W. Paul Menzel, Thomas H. Vonder Haar
Language: English
Release Date: February 15, 2018

As the space age got underway in the wake of Sputnik, one of the earliest areas of science to take advantage of the new observational opportunities it afforded was the study of climate and weather. This book tells the story of Finnish-American educator, inventor, and scientist Verner Suomi, who, in...
Book cover of La justice administrative
by François Belleflamme, Philippe Levert, Bruno Lombaert
Language: French
Release Date: November 17, 2015

La loi du 20 janvier 2014 portant réforme de la compétence, de la procédure et de l’organisation du Conseil d’État souffle sa première bougie et ses douze premiers mois d’application s’apparentent à tout sauf à un long fleuve tranquille. Le texte et ses arrêtés d’exécution...
Book cover of Le tennis
by Jean-Pierre Chombart, Raymond Thomas, Paul Angoulvent
Language: French
Release Date: January 1, 1990

Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d’un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d’origine.
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