Jonathan Gifford: 9 books

Book cover of History Lessons

History Lessons

What business and managers can learn from the movers and shakers of history

by Jonathan Gifford
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2009

Pericles of Athens, Lorenzo of Florence, Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Elizabeth I, Napoleon Bonaparte, Zhou Enlai, Ghandi, Lee Kuan Yew these are just some of the great names who changed the course of history. Far from being dated and irrelevant, their actions and thoughts, and the way in which...
Book cover of 馬基維利,請教我如何出人頭地:不懂權謀的人,根本無法做大事
by 馬克‧鮑威爾(Mark Powell),強納森‧季福德(Jonathan Gifford)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: May 6, 2019

你也許沒想過 太認真工作、樂於助人、擇善固執…… 這些你認為的「好」習慣,正是你升遷的最大阻礙!   社會現實,職場險惡,你一定要以馬基維利為師!   職場險惡,即使自保,也要學會用權謀 在企業工作,就像為無情的主人效力,職場就是封建王國,充滿著宮廷的潛規則和陰謀,老闆只需要忠心耿耿的屬下,而人人皆可用完就丟……   讓馬基維利幫助你在競爭激烈的職場中安身立命、脫穎而出 馬基維利是十六世紀的偉大政治家,身處當時各城邦互相交戰的義大利,他在其知名作品《君王論》中,描述了各個領主為了爭權奪利不擇手段,使出結盟、反叛、衝突、欺騙,甚至暗殺等方法……現實主義的馬基維利主張,只要你的目標遠大,一切手段都可以被接受!   懂得運用權謀智慧,才是你升官的重要關鍵 身處現代企業中,即使你才能出眾、工作效率高,備受同事喜愛,都不能保證獲得升遷或獎勵;只有善用權謀智慧,才能讓你適時把握晉升機會,在公司內取得真正的權力和影響力。   六個阻礙你成功的「好」習慣,你有幾個? 1.努力工作 2.樂於助人 3.大方分享 4.單打獨鬥 5.與眾不同 6.堅持到底   想要出人頭地,就別當個好人;想要成果出眾,請停止認真工作, 停下你目前的腳步,認清你在職場上優先該做的事…… ◎你要永遠要看清局勢,避免在搞不清楚狀況下成為炮灰 ◎權力遊戲中,你要當下棋的人,而不是棋局中的旗子 ◎你至少要晉身到中樞位置,你的才能和努力才會被看見   如果你的職位不上不下,你的存在對公司可有可無, 那麼隨時失業的夢魘,將一輩子跟著你!   最直白的職場權謀手冊,想生存、想成功,你一定要讀!   【各界讚譽】   「義大利哲學家馬基維利的真知灼見擲地有聲。如果想參與企業賽局,那麼你就得積極求勝。本書告訴你如何贏。這真是一本暗黑的精明好書!」 ──艾德‧威爾(Ed...
Book cover of 100 Great Business Leaders

100 Great Business Leaders

Of the world’s most admired companies

by Jonathan Gifford
Language: English
Release Date: June 5, 2013

The success of every great company or popular brand is often the vision of a great leader. Here in this book, we profile 100 Great Business Leaders, giving an account of their business career, demonstrating the innovations, opportunities and business principles that have been introduced in their companies....
Book cover of 100 Great Leadership Ideas

100 Great Leadership Ideas

From successful leaders and managers around the world

by Jonathan Gifford
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2010

If you are a manager in today’s business environment, demonstrating that you have leadership skills is essential to success. But what does it take to become an effective and influential business manager and leader? There are no sure-fire ways, but you can take inspiration and advice from various leaders...
Book cover of 100 More Great Leadership Ideas

100 More Great Leadership Ideas

From successful leaders to managers around the world

by Jonathan Gifford
Language: English
Release Date: September 29, 2013

If you are a manager in today’s business environment, demonstrating that you have leadership skills is essential to success. But what does it take to become an effective and influential business manager and leader? There are no sure-fire ways, but you can take inspiration and advice from various...
Book cover of More Great Ideas a Day

More Great Ideas a Day

365 more business ideas for each day of the year

by Jim Blythe, Patrick Forsyth, Jonathan Gifford
Language: English
Release Date: June 5, 2013

Are you looking for a great idea or some inspiration to make your business more effective and cutting edge? Do you need to motivate and inspire your employees, shareholders or customers? Do you need to turbocharge your career? Do you want to do things differently? By starting each day with a new idea,...
Book cover of Machiavellian Intelligence

Machiavellian Intelligence

How to Survive and Rise in the Modern Corporation

by Dr. Mark Powell, Jonathan Gifford
Language: English
Release Date: October 23, 2018

The best way to secure yourself against being 'let go' in the modern economy is to rise to a level within the corporation where you are making the strategic decisions, not bearing the brunt of their consequences. It may be tough at the top, but it's dangerous in the middle -- and the rewards at the...
Book cover of The Five Principles of Performance Thinking

The Five Principles of Performance Thinking

The mindsets and techniques for success in the modern world

by Mark Powell, Jonathan Gifford
Language: English
Release Date: May 16, 2019

When it comes to performance, great businesses and impressive individuals do more than simply deliver their numbers. They also engage with us; they make a human connection; a great performance moves us in some fundamental way. Great companies, great teams and great individuals are defined by a wider...
Book cover of Blindsided


Is our irrational behaviour actually rational?

by Jonathan Gifford
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2012

Modern management science seeks to streamline and rationalise the business process; to base decision-making on proven facts and to eliminate risk and uncertainty. Unfortunately, businesses are run by human beings and depend on other human beings for their custom. Human beings, it seems safe to say,...
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