Kirk: 845 books

Book cover of Diet Secrets Uncovered: Stressed Executives

Diet Secrets Uncovered: Stressed Executives

Secrets to Successful Fat Loss

by Fiona Kirk
Language: English
Release Date: September 10, 2015

Long working hours, timetables that change from day to day, travel commitments, poor sleeping patterns and haphazard eating habits all create stress within the body over time and ongoing stress prompts not only an increased risk of ill health but also fat storage so what’s the answer? Reduce the...
Book cover of Diet Secrets Uncovered: Shift Workers

Diet Secrets Uncovered: Shift Workers

Secrets to Successful Fat Loss

by Fiona Kirk
Language: English
Release Date: September 9, 2015

We live in a 24/7 world, increasing numbers of us work well outside the classic nine to five day and endless studies reveal that irregular working hours result in weight gain over time. Depressing statistics? Yes! Irreversible statistics? No! Our circadian rhythm is geared toward us being awake during...
Book cover of Improving Biocontrol of Plutella xylostella
by Alan Kirk, Dominique Bordat
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2004

Plutella xylostella (DBM) is a key pest of crucifers resistant to many insecticides and some crystalendotoxins. Biological control based IPM and classical biocontrol have had varied success. How can it be improved? This book presents key papers and the proceedings of an international symposium held...
Book cover of Communicating with Children and Adolescents
by Kate Kirk, Mario Cossa, Sue Jennings
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2002

At a time when expectations and assumptions about the delivery of services to children and adolescents are being reconfigured - for example, around the rights of children and adolescents as young citizens - adults are seeking to ensure that they deliver services in creative and empowering ways, ensuring...
Book cover of Diet Secrets Uncovered: Women Post Pregnancy

Diet Secrets Uncovered: Women Post Pregnancy

Secrets to Successful Fat Loss

by Fiona Kirk
Language: English
Release Date: September 14, 2015

Post pregnancy weight loss can be difficult to achieve and frustratingly hard to focus on. The secret, whether you choose breast or bottle is to ensure that every snack and meal is rich in foods that pack a nutritional punch and keep you energised, satisfied and perhaps most importantly, positive....
Book cover of Diet Secrets Uncovered: Teenagers

Diet Secrets Uncovered: Teenagers

Secrets to Successful Fat Loss

by Fiona Kirk
Language: English
Release Date: September 13, 2015

Could there be a worse time in your life to be overweight than when you are in your teens? Possibly not. You and your school or college friends appear to be existing on a similar diet but whilst others stay slim, you are packing on the pounds. What is going on? Is it your genes, is it your hormones,...
Book cover of Veterinary Ophthalmic Surgery - E-Book
by Kirk N. Gelatt, VMD, Janice P. Gelatt
Language: English
Release Date: August 13, 2011

Purchasers of Veterinary Ophthalmic Surgery have at their disposal a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to all types of ophthalmic surgical techniques across all species. Techniques are covered topographically, and species-by-species, with difficulty gradings for each one. Many of these procedures...
Book cover of At War With Pontiac
by Kirk Munroe And J. Finnemore
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Book cover of Cab and Caboose: The Story of a Railroad Boy
by Kirk Munroe
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2015

“Go it, Rod! You’ve got to go! One more spurt and you’ll have him! There you are over the line! On time! On railroad time! Three cheers for Railroad Blake, fellows! ’Rah, ’rah, ’rah, and a tigah! Good for you, Rod Blake! the cup is yours. It was the prettiest race ever seen on the Euston...
Book cover of The Fur-Seals Tooth

The Fur-Seals Tooth

A Story of Alaskan Adventure

by Kirk Munroe
Language: English
Release Date: January 24, 2019

Kurk Munroe (1850-1930) was an American writer and conservationist. He worked as a reporter for the New York Sun and became the first editor of Harpers Young People magazin.
Book cover of La Educación Física y el deporte en la edad escolar

La Educación Física y el deporte en la edad escolar

El giro reflexivo en la enseñanza

by Lucio Martínez Álvarez, Raúl Gómez, Ángela Aisenstein
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 5, 2019

Como el título lo indica, un aspecto clave de la propuesta es la perspectiva reflexiva, planteada a veces con foco en la propia materia para apelar a la reformulación de sus fines, sus medios o sus principios disciplinarios, otras veces dirigida al docente, considerado como un sujeto capacitado...
Book cover of Blessed And Blessing

Blessed And Blessing

Devotionals For Gospel Champions

by Kirk W Hunt
Language: English
Release Date: September 9, 2015

The Kingdom of God is built by the hands and hearts of Gospel Champions.  These devotionals are focused on the faithful and courageous men and women who answer God’s call on their lives.  Often the least recognized, these Christian servants are the hands, feet and face of God’s present-day Kingdom. ...
Book cover of Christian Tithing Defined

Christian Tithing Defined

Making Tithing Easier in the Local Church

by Dr. Samuel Kirk Mills
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2013

Just imagine that you walked into your church premises one day and as rightly expected every member of your congregation that you met is able to provide you with almost the same correct answer to your questions, what is the aim, what is the goal, what is the purpose, and what is the objective of the...
Book cover of Julia Saison Band 11
by Marie Ferrarella, Cindy Kirk, Helen r. Myers
Language: German
Release Date: January 4, 2013

Noch ein Monat bis zum Valentinstag - viel Zeit bleibt Katie nicht mehr, ihren Boss und heimlichen Traummann Blake Fortune zu erobern! Denn der sexy Texaner hat einen Plan: In genau dreißig Tagen will er einer anderen den Brillantring anstecken …
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