Maria Teresa: 124 books

Book cover of Railing, Reviling, and Invective in English Literary Culture, 1588-1617
by Maria Teresa Micaela Prendergast
Language: English
Release Date: April 8, 2016

Railing, Reviling, and Invective in English Literary Culture, 1588-1617 is the first book to consider railing plays and pamphlets as participating in a coherent literary movement that dominated much of the English literary landscape during the late Elizabethan/early Jacobean period. Author Prendergast...
Book cover of Demanding Justice and Security

Demanding Justice and Security

Indigenous Women and Legal Pluralities in Latin America

by Rachel Sieder, Adriana Terven Salinas, Emma Cervone
Language: English
Release Date: June 16, 2017

Across Latin America, indigenous women are organizing to challenge racial, gender, and class discrimination through the courts. Collectively, by engaging with various forms of law, they are forging new definitions of what justice and security mean within their own contexts and struggles. They have...


Regencia de María Cristina de Austria de Habsburgo-Lorena. Minoría de Edad De Alfonso XIII 1885-1902

by Eusebio Ferrer Hortet, Maria Teresa Puga Garcia
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 18, 2015

Cuando reinar es un deber, narra la minoría de edad de Alfonso XIII, rey desde antes de su nacimiento, y la regencia de su madre, María Cristina de Austria y de Habsburgo – Lorena.  Es, por tanto, una doble biografía histórica: la de reina regente y la del Rey -niño....
Book cover of LOS REYES QUE NUNCA REINARON: Los Carlistas


Los Reyes o "pretendientes" al trono de España

by Eusebio Ferrer Hortet, Maria Teresa Puga Garcia
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 7, 2015

Los autores del libro LOS REYES QUE NUNCA REINARON nos introducen con estilo ameno, claro y conciso en una larga página de la historia española, muy poco estudiada y, por tanto, desconocida.  La historia del carlismo contiene elementos de epopeya: batallas, traiciones, heroicidades,...
Book cover of Land Privatization in Mexico

Land Privatization in Mexico

Urbanization, Formation of Regions and Globalization in Ejidos

by Maria Teresa Vázquez-Castillo
Language: English
Release Date: October 28, 2004

This book analyzes [ejido] land as space of urbanization and location of economic activities and capital and land privatization as a redistributive process with local, urban, regional and global consequences.
Book cover of Vista su Montecristo
by Maria Teresa D'Antea
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 29, 2012

Il romanzo narra la vicenda umana di Emma, una colf. Gli sconvolgimenti della seconda guerra mondiale e la morte prematura del marito fanno perdere a Emma la condizione borghese riducendola allo stato di povertà. Vedova con una figlia, è costretta ad andare a servizio in casa d’altri. Nella sua...
Book cover of The Story of the Mexican Screenplay

The Story of the Mexican Screenplay

A Study of the Invisible Art Form and Interviews with Women Screenwriters

by Maria Teresa DePaoli
Language: English
Release Date: December 30, 2011

The Story of the Mexican Screenplay: A Study of the Invisible Art Form and Interviews with Women Screenwriters contributes to the international development of screenplay studies. While the debate on the ontology of the screenplay continues, a fact remains clear for screenwriters: the screenplay is...
Book cover of Creepypasta
by Beppe Roncari, Flavia Imperi, Maria Teresa Tanzilli
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 29, 2017

In questa raccolta digitale, diversi autori si cimentano nella riproposizione romanzata di alcune delle più famose creepypasta, altri, invece, propongono delle proprie creazioni, mantenendosi però aderenti agli archetipi del genere. Canzoni maledette, apparizioni, stazioni fantasma, case nel bosco...
Book cover of Il patto
by Maria Teresa Tanzilli
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 26, 2013

In alta quota tra le montagne, Villanova è una piccola ed elegante cittadina che fa invidia a Courmayeur, dove i vip vanno a passare le vacanze e i ricchi fanno a gara per comprare una villetta. I suoi abitanti sembrano tutti aver conosciuto, nella vita, un’incredibile fortuna, e ogni mattina davanti...
Book cover of L'ultimo viaggio
by Maria Teresa Tanzilli
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 6, 2017

Gianluca è un ragazzo cinico, pessimista, asociale, ma nel quartiere dove vive è l'unico a possedere ancora un giradischi e così è costretto a partecipare al funerale della signora Betti perché lei, nel testamento, aveva espressamente richiesto che venisse suonata una certa canzone di cui lui...
Book cover of Wading Through Many Voices

Wading Through Many Voices

Toward a Theology of Public Conversation

by Victor Anderson, Nancy Bedford, Maria Teresa Davila
Language: English
Release Date: April 16, 2011

Wading through Many Voices brings together the voices of Latino/a, African American, Asian American, Native American, and Euro-American scholars to produce a dialogue of public theology: how faith-communities, divided by race, class, ethnicity, and gender, can find a common ground for life together....
Book cover of Reforming Teaching Globally
by Maria Teresa Tatto
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2009

(Originally Published in 2007 by Symposium Books) This book seeks to raise the discussion of globalisation's effects on teacher education, development and work, and its reforms and institutions, to a more theoretical and analytical level, and to provide specific examples in the comparative tradition...
Book cover of Learning to Teach in England and the United States

Learning to Teach in England and the United States

The Evolution of Policy and Practice

by Maria Teresa Tatto, Katharine Burn, Ian Menter
Language: English
Release Date: November 28, 2017

Learning to Teach in England and the United States studies the evolution of initial teacher education by considering some of the current approaches in England and the United States. Presenting empirical evidence from these two distinct political and historical contexts, the chapters of this thought-provoking...
Book cover of Cluster in progress

Cluster in progress

La Tecnologia dell'architettura in rete per l'innovazione The Architectural tecnology network for innovation

by Maria Teresa Lucarelli, Elena Mussinelli, Corrado Trombetta
Language: English
Release Date: April 7, 2017

La Società italiana della Tecnologia dell’architettura, SITdA, fondata nel 2007 attraverso la creazione di un ampio network di docenti e ricercatori universitari, ha l’obiettivo di sostenere la cultura della ricerca nell’area disciplinare e di offrire risorse per la formazione e la qualificazione...
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