P C C : 1000 books

Book cover of Nyx in the House of Night

Nyx in the House of Night

Mythology, Folklore and Religion in the PC and Kristin Cast Vampyre Series

by P. C. Cast, Kristin Cast, Jordan Dane
Language: English
Release Date: June 7, 2011

The House of Night is no ordinary school—and not just because it's for vampyres. It's a place where magic, religion, folklore, and mythology from multiple traditions merry meet and meld to create something incredible and new.In Nyx in the House of Night—a 2-color illustrated companion to the House...
Book cover of Blood and Ivory

Blood and Ivory

A Tapestry

by P. C. Hodgell
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2007

Who was Kindrie's father?What triggered the massacre of the Knorth women?What happened the night Jame got driven out by Ganth?Jamethiel Priest's-Bane first entered our lives when she walked out of the Haunted Lands on the opening page of God Stalk in 1982 with the haunts on her trail, searching for her...
Book cover of Seeker's Mask
by P. C. Hodgell
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2007

Obedience. Self-restraint Endurance. Silence. . .These are the duties of a Highborn lady, and like the veils, masks and tight-fitting underskirts female Kencyr students are obliged to wear, Jame finds them damnably constricting. Sent here by her brother Torisen, Highlord of the Kencyrath, she has tried...
Book cover of To Ride a Rathorn
by P. C. Hodgell
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2007

P. C. Hodgell,'s latest high fantasy novel, is the sequel Seeker's Mask, which in turn follows "God Stalk and Dark of the Moon (collected in the Meisha Merlin omnibus, Dark of the Gods).These are the chronicles of Jamethiel Priest's-bane, otherwise known as Jame, as she struggles to find a place in a...
Book cover of Mehr mutige Männer

Mehr mutige Männer

4 Western Romane

by Alfred Bekker, A. F. Morland, Glen P. Webster
Language: German
Release Date: April 5, 2018

4 Romane in einem Bandvon A. F. Morland, Alfred Bekker, Glen P. Webster & C. C. SlatermanDer Umfang dieses Buchs entspricht 411 Taschenbuchseiten.Dieses Buch enthält die Auswahl folgende vier Romane:A. F. Morland: Drei Särge warten in AmarilloAlfred Bekker: Zum Sterben nach SonoraGlen P. Webster:...
Book cover of How to Develop: Self-Confidence for Success
by P.C. Ganesan
Language: English
Release Date: April 4, 2013

"A Guide to Step by Step CONFIDENCE BUILDINGYou hold in your hands the key to success. Within the pages of this book lie easy-to-follow techniques for building self-confidence.All of us are horn with polential talents. It is for us to recognise and utilise these talents for a successful life.It is rightly...
Book cover of Handbook of Energy Engineering, 7th Edition
by Albert Thumann, P.E., C.E.M.
Language: English
Release Date: April 8, 2014

Here's your step-by -step guide to applying the principles of energy engineering and management to the design of electrical, HVAC, utility, process and building systems for both new design and retrofit. With new chapters on electrical system optimization and ISO 50001, this edition also covers the latest...
Book cover of Find the Perfect College for You

Find the Perfect College for You

82 Exceptional Schools That Fit Your Personality and Learning Style

by Rosalind P. Marie, C. Claire Law
Language: English
Release Date: July 8, 2014

A comprehensive approach to selecting a college that is in tune with a student's learning style, this guide offers a personalized, psychology-based approach to selecting the perfect university. Taking into account personal interests and personality types, this reference will help students and parents...
Book cover of Iluminada
by P. C. Cast
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: June 18, 2013

Cansada de encontros com egocêntricos, a designer de interiores Pamela Gray está quase a desistir dos homens. Quer ser tratada como uma deusa - preferencialmente por um deus. Quando exprime o seu desejo, invoca inconscientemente a deusa Ártemis, que possui alguns truques na sua manga celestial......
Book cover of Desejada
by P. C. Cast
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: April 13, 2012

Lina é proprietária de uma padaria Gourmet em Tulsa mas, infelizmente, o negócio não está a correr como esperado e ela precisa de um plano. Quando tropeça, acidentalmente, num livro de culinária italiana da deusa, Lina não consegue deixar de pensar que encontrou a solução para os problemas,...
Book cover of Divina Por Escolha
by P. C. Cast
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: January 29, 2014

Shannon Parker aceitou finalmente a sua vida no mítico mundo de Partholon. As suas responsabilidades divinas são muitas, mas ela ama o seu marido centauro, a sua ligação à deusa Eponina e os pequenos prazeres que a vida lhe dá. Já quase esqueceu a antiga vida na Terra – especialmente ao descobrir...
Book cover of The God Stalker Chronicles
by P. C. Hodgell
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2009

Jame is a Kencyr. Kencyrs are not native to the planet where they now live. For thirty centuries they have been the weapon that their Three-Faced God has used against the power of the Perimal Darkling. And though they have fought well, the Darkling has come to planet after planet, and the Kencyrs have...
Book cover of Honor's Paradox
by P. C. Hodgell
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2011

Jame is one of the last of the Kencyrath line, born to battle a world-destroying Lord of Darkness and resuscitate her ancestral heritage. Jame's youth was spent hard and low in a desert wasteland. Now she has discovered her past and her heritage as Highborn—and, with it, the power to call souls out...
Book cover of God Stalk
by P. C. Hodgell
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2007

Jame is a Kencyr. Kencyrs are not native to the planet where they now live. For thirty centuries they have been the weapon that their Three-Faced God has used against the power of the Perimal Darkling. And though they have fought well, the Darkling has come to planet after planet, and the Kencyrs have...
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