Paul Werner: 18 books

Book cover of Conversations With A Stuka Pilot [Illustrated Edition]
by Brigadier-General Paul-Werner Hozzell
Language: English
Release Date: August 15, 2014

Includes the World War Two On The Eastern Front (1941-1945) Illustration Pack - 198 photos/illustrations and 46 maps. General Hozzel is one of a few remaining German officers who fought in the Second World War and held position high enough to allow generalizations about the war and to extract historical...
Book cover of The Legacy of the Yellow Dancer
by Paul Werner
Language: English
Release Date: October 25, 2017

Laura Forster decides to shirk the responsibility of following in her late father's footsteps as the managing director of a successful Hamburg-based logistics company. In order to come up for air, she rushes aboard the next best plane to the Caribbean, where her father's yacht, the Yellow Dancer,...
Book cover of Yilan


or the bullet-proof Madonna

by Paul Werner
Language: English
Release Date: July 2, 2018

Whereas Yellow Dancer took Laura West to the Caribbean, Yilan makes her go East, to the Greek Aegean, where both she and her indomitable sister Solitaire follow the tracks of Süleyman the Silent who kidnaped Laura´s adopted son Ignace. It´s a desperate race against time and a hallucinating dance...
Book cover of Beyond Bibliometrics

Beyond Bibliometrics

Harnessing Multidimensional Indicators of Scholarly Impact

by Nicola De Bellis, Paul Wouters, Ronald E. Day
Language: English
Release Date: May 16, 2014

A comprehensive, state-of-the-art examination of the changing ways we measure scholarly performance and research impact. Bibliometrics has moved well beyond the mere tracking of bibliographic citations. The web enables new ways to measure scholarly productivity and impact, making available...
Book cover of Griechische Einladung in die Politik

Griechische Einladung in die Politik

Erzählungen, Geheimnisse und Rezepte

by Andreas Deffner, Antonia Pauly, Werner Weimar-Mazur
Language: German
Release Date: January 22, 2015

In Griechenland ist die Politik in aller Munde. Jeder, der einmal im Kafeníon seinen Frappé getrunken hat, kennt dieses Phänomen von den Nachbartischen. Es wird temperamentvoll diskutiert, mit Händen und Füßen gestikuliert und jedes Handeln von Regierung sowie Abgeordneten lautstark kommentiert....
Book cover of Deutsche Außenpolitik des Wilhelminischen Kaiserreich 1890–1918
by Walter Demel, Andreas Rose, Susanne Lachenicht
Language: German
Release Date: February 1, 2014

Die Außenpolitik des Deutschen Kaiserreiches ist fraglos eines der zentralen und bis heute umstrittensten Themenfelder der Neueren Geschichte. Die europäischen Rivalitäten, das imperiale Ringen um überseeische Besitzungen und die zunehmende Bedeutung der eigenen Öffentlichkeit für das außenpolitische...
Book cover of Conversations on Cinema
by De Gaetano Roberto, Slavoj Žižek, Paul Schrader
Language: English
Release Date: September 18, 2013

Eleven conversations taken from as many issues of Fata Morgana. Eleven conversations which synthesize the project behind the journal which was born in spring 2006. At the time it was decided against having an editorial comment because of the conviction that if the journal was going to succeed it would...
Book cover of CINEMA, THOUGHT, LIFE. Conversations with Fata Morgana
by Paolo Jedlowski, Roberto De Gaetano, Jacques Rancière
Language: English
Release Date: June 30, 2016

24 conversazioni apparse su Fata Morgana con grandi figure della contemporaneità, studiosi e artisti che parlano del cinema facendone un luogo del pensiero e una forma di vita. Un viaggio in cui il cinema e l’immagine, più di ogni altra forma d’arte, si riscoprono indissolubilmente legati alla...
Book cover of Amphibians and Reptiles of Montana
by Kirwin J. Werner, Paul Hendricks, Bryce A. Maxell
Language: English
Release Date: March 14, 2014

This comprehensive field guide provides color photographs, descriptions, and eight identification keys (including egg and larval stages) that allow both the layperson and the professional to identify Montana's frogs, toads, salamanders, turtles, lizards, and snakes. You'll find out where and when...
Book cover of Netter's Pediatrics E-Book
by Paul L. Aronson, Heidi C. Werner, Todd Florin
Language: English
Release Date: September 8, 2011

Netter’s Pediatrics, edited by Drs. Todd Florin and Stephen Ludwig, is a rich visual aid with more than 500 images by Dr. Frank Netter and other artists working in his style that will help you diagnose and care for children with common clinical conditions. This is the first time that Netter’s...
Book cover of The Neuropathology of Huntington’s Disease: Classical Findings, Recent Developments and Correlation to Functional Neuroanatomy
by Udo Rüb, Jean Paul G. Vonsattel, Helmut Heinsen
Language: English
Release Date: September 29, 2015

This monograph describes the progress in neuropathological HD research made during the last century, the neuropathological hallmarks of HD and their pathogenic relevance. Starting with the initial descriptions of the progressive degeneration of the striatum as one of the key events in HD, the worldwide...
Book cover of The Pedagogy of Mathematics in South Africa

The Pedagogy of Mathematics in South Africa

Is There a Unifying Logic?

by István Lénárt, Patrick Barmby, Karin Brodie
Language: English
Release Date: March 13, 2018

Book cover of Mallorca mörderisch genießen: 22 Krimis und Rezepte von der Insel
by Ina Boa, Ella Dälken, Paul Decrinis
Language: German
Release Date: July 19, 2016

Auf Mallorca geht es kriminell zu und es wird gemordet, was das Zeug hält: subtil, trickreich, gemein oder auch nur in Gedanken. Mit herzhaften mallorquinischen Köstlichkeiten, wie geschmortem Kaninchen mit Mangold, einem Fischeintopf oder einer Hühnerfleischpfanne - natürlich darf auch eine Paella...
Book cover of Unglaubliche Begegnungen

Unglaubliche Begegnungen


by Klaus D Bornemann, Brigitte Bjarnason, Hendrik Blomberg
Language: German
Release Date: July 1, 2018

Begegnungen bestimmen unser Leben. Menschen kreuzen unseren Weg. Manche bleiben uns in Erinnerung, Andere erscheinen und verschwinden wieder, wie Irrlichter in dunkler Nacht. Und oft ist es nur eine Kleinigkeit, die diese Begegnungen unglaublich werden lässt: Ein falsches Wort, dämmriges Licht,...
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