Schiller: 466 books

Book cover of Wallenstein


Vollständige Ausgabe der Trilogie: Wallensteins Lager / Die Piccolomini / Wallensteins Tod

by Friedrich Schiller
Language: German
Release Date: May 25, 2016

Friedrich Schiller: Wallenstein. Vollständige Ausgabe der Trilogie: Wallensteins Lager / Die Piccolomini / Wallensteins Tod Entstanden 1796/99, Erstdruck: Tübingen (Cotta) 1800, zuvor einige Auszüge in Zeitschriften und Almanachen. Vollständige Neuausgabe mit einer Biographie des Autors. Herausgegeben...
Book cover of Don Carlos, Infant von Spanien
by Friedrich Schiller
Language: German
Release Date: June 1, 2016

Friedrich Schiller: Don Carlos, Infant von Spanien Entstanden 1782–1787. Teilabdrucke in: Rheinische Thalia (Mannheim), 1. Jg., 1785, und Thalia (Leipzig), 2./3. Jg., 1786/87; Erstdruck des ganzen Dramas: Leipzig (Göschen) 1787. Uraufführung am 29.8.1787 in Hamburg. Vollständige Neuausgabe mit einer...
Book cover of María Estuardo
by Friedrich Schiller
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 24, 2016

María Estuardo (en alemán: Maria Stuart) es una obra de Schiller escrita en el año de 1800. Es un drama compuesto en cinco actos basado en los últimos días de vida de María I de Escocia. Su estreno se celebró el 14 de junio de 1800 en el teatro de la corte de Weimar, Alemania.
Book cover of Die Räuber

Die Räuber

Ein Schauspiel in fünf Akten

by Friedrich Schiller
Language: German
Release Date: January 5, 2018

Friedrich Schiller zeigt in »Die Räuber« von 1781 den Wettkampf zweier Brüder um die Gunst des Vaters. Franz Moor hadert mit seinem Schicksal. Als zweitgeborener Sohn ist er von der Erbfolge ausgeschlossen. Er bedient sich einer Intrige, um den verhassten Bruder Karl auszubooten. Karl studiert...
Book cover of Lesereise Indonesien

Lesereise Indonesien

Java, Bali und andere Sehnsuchtsinseln

by Bernd Schiller
Language: German
Release Date: June 29, 2015

Was für ein Land, was für Dimensionen … über 5000 Kilometer erstreckt sich Indonesien, der größte Archipel der Erde. Bernd Schiller stellt auf sehr persönliche Weise "seine" Inseln vor - ein gutes Dutzend von mehr als 17.000, die zusammen Tanah Air bilden, Land und Meer, wie die...
Book cover of Lettres sur l’éducation esthétique de l’homme
by Friedrich von Schiller
Language: French
Release Date: July 30, 2014

Lettres sur l’éducation esthétique de l’homme Friedrich von Schiller, poète et écrivain allemand (1759 – 1805) Ce livre numérique présente «Lettres sur l’éducation esthétique de l’homme», de Friedrich von Schiller,...
Book cover of Poésie
by Friedrich von Schiller
Language: French
Release Date: July 30, 2014

Poésie Friedrich von Schiller, poète et écrivain allemand (1759 – 1805) Ce livre numérique présente «Poésie», de Friedrich von Schiller, édité en texte intégral. Une table des matières dynamique permet d'accéder...
Book cover of De la cause du plaisir que nous prenons aux objets tragiques
by Friedrich von Schiller
Language: French
Release Date: July 30, 2014

De la cause du plaisir que nous prenons aux objets tragiques Friedrich von Schiller, poète et écrivain allemand (1759 – 1805) Ce livre numérique présente «De la cause du plaisir que nous prenons aux objets tragiques», de Friedrich von Schiller, édité...
Book cover of Mary Stuart
by Friedrich Schiller
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2011

This dramatic story recounts Mary, Queen of Scots's remaining days held captive in Fotheringay Castle. In scenes alternating between Mary's prison and Elizabeth's court at Westminster, Schiller's play gradually builds a compelling picture of a tragic heroine rising above her suffering to gain in insight...
Book cover of The Road Through Wonderland

The Road Through Wonderland

Surviving John Holmes

by Dawn Schiller
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2010

Painstakingly honest, this chilling memoir reveals how a teenager became immersed in the bizarre life of legendary porn star John Holmes. Starting with a childhood that molded her perfectly to fall for the seduction of “the king of porn,” this autobiography recounts the perilous road that Dawn...
Book cover of Ladies and Gentlemen, Lenny Bruce!!
by Lawrence Schiller
Language: English
Release Date: March 25, 2013

The author of the bestselling biographies The Lives of John Lennon and Elvis explores the tumultuous life of one of the most controversial comics who ever lived. Lenny Bruce's life is reconstructed in dazzling sequences that capture his genius in the same lingo and rhythm, shtick comedy and junkie surrealism that characterized his imagination.
Book cover of See Your Way to Mindfulness

See Your Way to Mindfulness

Ideas and Inspiration to Open Your I

by David Schiller
Language: English
Release Date: November 29, 2016

Seeing, really seeing, is like meditation. In a world filled with distraction, seeing mindfully is a way to pay attention, to hit pause and find calm by focusing on what’s directly in front of us. See Your Way to Mindfulness is a gift book of inspiration and instruction to help readers open their...
Book cover of Ai Weiwei

Ai Weiwei

The Life and Earth-Shattering Times of China’s Most Famous Artist

by Bill Schiller
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

China's Ai Weiwei has been called the most influential and important artist of our time. Yet his daring art and outspoken activism has also earned him the wrath of his government: he has been threatened, beaten and jailed. As the Art Gallery of Ontario prepares to open a major exhibition of his work...
Book cover of Mary Stuart: A Tragedy
by Friedrich Schiller
Language: English
Release Date: September 10, 2016

Mary Stuart is a verse play by Friedrich Schiller that depicts the last days of Mary, Queen of Scots. The play consists of five acts, each divided into several scenes. The play had its première in Weimar, Germany on 14 June 1800. The play formed the basis for Donizetti's opera Maria Stuarda (1835).
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