T : 15712 books

Book cover of The Dark Secrets of the Terascale
by Tim M P Tait, Konstantin T Matchev
Language: English
Release Date: December 31, 2012

This volume is a compilation of the lectures at TASI 2011, held in Boulder, Colorado, June 2011. They cover topics in theoretical particle physics including the Standard Model and beyond, collider physics, dark matter, and cosmology, at a level intended to be accessible to students at the initial...
Book cover of Nursery Rhymes
by Nōnen Títi
Language: English
Release Date: June 12, 2017

Do I really favour one of my kids?Many parents and teachers worry that they favour one of their children and most feel guilty about it.But having favourites is not only natural, it is unavoidable, because people are born with different personality types and those are responsible for how we get along...
Book cover of Full Paranoid Mode
by Tim T. Neymor
Language: English
Release Date: March 25, 2015

Full Paranoid Mode is a collection of paranoid conspiracy ideas that will leave you wondering if they are true, and believing that they are. This book has information you can verify, deciding for yourself how paranoid you should really be. The chapters are mostly short, each separate from the...
Book cover of A Friend I Didn't Know I Had...
by Soul T Alma ™
Language: English
Release Date: January 11, 2017

A story about this magnificent life journey in which I was able to finally get to know Me... A story that talks about how there are people... There are Beings... That cross our paths to accomplish a very specific purpose... The purpose of helping us to get closer... And eventually become......
Book cover of La Politique est à nous
by Benoît HAMON, Yannick JADOT, Michel WIEVIORKA
Language: French
Release Date: March 23, 2017

Quand le politique et l'intellectuel réinventent la France. Dans ce livre qui sort de l'ordinaire politique et intellectuel, Benoît Hamon et Yannick Jadot, avec Michel Wieviorka, invitent quarante personnalités de la société civile – acteurs sociaux, culturels, économiques, chercheurs –...
Book cover of Un aller sans retour
by Chantale Côté
Language: French
Release Date: September 26, 2014

Delphine et Simon, mariés depuis plus de 20 ans, partent en voyage en France pour faire le point sur leur couple, après le départ de la maison de leur seul enfant. Butinant d'un site touristique à l'autre, ils font la rencontre de Philippe, un guide touristique fort compétent que Delphine trouve...
Book cover of L'Héritière de la honte
by Chantale Côté
Language: French
Release Date: November 10, 2016

Chloé Saint-Hilaire a hérité d'une fortune paternelle, une des plus grandes du pays. Cette montagne d'argent lui permet de vivre dans une luxueuse résidence qu'elle déteste à cause des mauvais souvenirs qui s'y rattachent. Violée alors qu'elle n'était même pas adolescente par un proche de...
Book cover of La Couleur des ombres
by Colm TÓIBÍN
Language: French
Release Date: February 13, 2014

" Voilà Tóibín en parfait contrôle de son art. " The Sunday Telegraph Sans doute parce qu'ils étaient différents, trop sensuels et rebelles à l'hypocrisie, les protagonistes de ces neuf nouvelles ont quitté leur cercle familial et se sont exilés. Pourtant, ils ne souffrent...
Book cover of Interstitial and Intracavitary Thermoradiotherapy
by G.G. Grabenbauer, E.L. Jones, C.A. Meeuwis
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

The use of hyperthermia in radiation oncology is well established. Many publications cover the whole field of possibilities and problems of this therapeutic modality. The new development of interstitial and intracavitary hyperthermia, however, is not well known: there are only a few relevant publications...
Book cover of Why "We" Didn't Choose You, Vol. I: A Relationship Handbook for Women (and Men)
by Dr. William T. Hoston
Language: English
Release Date: June 4, 2014

Why "We" Didn't Choose You (WWDCY) takes women on an emotional journey of six ordinary men with an extraordinary perspective on the interaction between men and women. Reading this will hopefully help single and married women better understand the complexities of relationships. For women...
Book cover of Schwester Monika erzählt und erfährt
by E.T.A. Hoffmann
Language: German
Release Date: November 30, 2015

Wenn Schmerz unbändige Lust bereitet: 'Schwester Monika erzählt und erfährt' von E.T.A. Hoffmann jetzt als eBook bei dotbooks. Was Schwester Monika aus dem Leben ihrer Mutter zu berichten hat, ist nichts für schwache Nerven. Schon früh erfährt Louisa, welche sinnlichen Freuden Schläge bereiten....
Book cover of Fantasiestücke in Callot's Manier

Fantasiestücke in Callot's Manier

Blätter aus dem Tagebuche eines reisenden Enthusiasten. Mit einer Vorrede von Jean Paul

by E.T.A. Hoffmann
Language: German
Release Date: May 23, 2012

Mit dem Werkbeitrag aus Kindlers Literatur Lexikon.Mit dem Autorenporträt aus dem Metzler Lexikon Weltliteratur.Mit Daten zu Leben und Werk, exklusiv verfasst von der Redaktion der Zeitschrift für Literatur TEXT + KRITIK."Jeden müssen die Fantasiestücke ergötzen." – Was Heinrich Heine...
Book cover of W.J.T. Mitchell

W.J.T. Mitchell

Den Wahnsinn sehen: psychische Störung, Medien und visuelle Kultur (dOCUMENTA (13): 100 Notes - 100 Thoughts, 100 Notizen - 100 Gedanken # 083)

by W.J.T. Mitchell
Language: German
Release Date: June 1, 2012

In seinem Notizbuch untersucht Mitchell die visuelle Repräsentation von Wahnsinn im zeitgenössischen Kino. Die Inszenierung von Wahnsinn in Filmen aus dem 20. und 21. Jahrhundert wirft für ihn die Frage auf, ob es dem Kino in seiner Hypervisibilität gelungen ist, die Gesten des Wahnsinn spürbar...
Book cover of To All a Good Night, a Short Story
by T. M. Simmons
Language: English
Release Date: November 30, 2012

He knew immediately he was dead. No soldier worth his salt ignored the possibility of instant death in a war zone. He'd seen death happen seven times in the weeks before it bit him. Seven men from his platoon. Each went home, not to joyous families, but laid out in a six-foot dead box. He would be...
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