Ventura: 198 books

Book cover of Clarimonde


Magical Creatures, A Weiser Books Collection

by Gautier, Theophile, Ventura
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2012

Varla Ventura, fan favorite on Huffington Posts Weird News, frequent guest on Coast to Coast, and bestselling author of The Book of the Bizarre and Beyond Bizarre, introduces a new Weiser Books Collection of forgotten crypto-classics. Magical Creatures is a hair-raising herd of affordable digital...
Book cover of The Mummy and Miss Nitocris

The Mummy and Miss Nitocris

Magical Creatures, A Weiser Books Collection

by Griffith, George Chetwynd, Ventura
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2011

Varla Ventura, fan favorite on Huffington Posts Weird News, frequent guest on Coast to Coast, and bestselling author of The Book of the Bizarre and Beyond Bizarre, introduces a new Weiser Books Collection of forgotten crypto-classics. Magical Creatures is a hair-raising herd of affordable digital...
Book cover of 5X2= 9

5X2= 9

Diez miradas contra la violencia de género

by Rosa Regàs Pagès, Ángeles Caso, Olga Aranda Ramos
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 1, 2009

«Cinco escritoras españolas comprometidas contra la violencia de género -Ángeles Caso, Espido Freire, Rosa Regàs, Eugenia Rico y Lourdes Ventura- se reunieron individualmente con otras tantas mujeres de distintas edades y clases sociales que en algún momento de sus vidas, en ocasiones a lo largo...
Book cover of En el cruce de caminos

En el cruce de caminos

Identidad, cosmología y chamanismo Tsachila

by Montserrat Ventura I Oller
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 3, 2015

¿Podemos resaltar la originalidad de un grupo indígena fruto de un proceso de etnogénesis colonial? ¿Podemos hablar de relativismo, de redes de intercambio, de dinamismo, para describir su lógica cultural? ¿Cuál es el rol de los chamanes en una sociedad indígena contemporánea? A las cuestiones...
Book cover of Octavian
by Ray Ventura, Robert Ventura
Language: English
Release Date: November 22, 2014

A star system envied by so many... Ian Starbrook is in the early stages of his training at Jerab Galaxys ranger academy. With an infamous family lineage, he often feels the pressure to succeed and help lead the new frontier of rangers protecting the cluster of planets. But when Ian suddenly...
Book cover of Stories Of A Seaman
by Vicario Ventura
Language: English
Release Date: February 14, 2018

The sailing profession gives me the opportunity to travel through different countries around the world and to participate in unusual events that do not occur in the lives of people who live in a city. Some of the writings in this book are part of a historical and investigative compendium of...
Book cover of A Love Song
by Alice Ventura
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2014

Carrie begins to come into her own, with the help of a handsome stranger.
Book cover of La Farfalla nel Pugno
by Max Ventura
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 23, 2013

"La Farfalla nel pugno. Karate storico e teorico per istruttori" Un veloce e piacevole testo pensato per gli istruttori di Karate di qualsiasi stile; si parla delle origini storiche di tutte le arti marziali e poi di quelle specifiche del Karate, delle sue basi filosofiche nelle grandi...
Book cover of Usare WordPress 'in locale' (Ed. Base)
by Jack Ventura
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 21, 2015

I VANTAGGI DI USARE WORDPRESS IN LOCALE [ATTENZIONE: QUESTA EDIZIONE NON CONTIENE IL LINK PER IL DOWNLOAD DI POCKET WORDPRESS] I trucchi e i consigli che trovi in questo manuale ti permetteranno di utilizzare al meglio il CMS WordPress sul tuo computer invece che online per creare, aggiornare, riparare...
Book cover of Hegel in the Arab World

Hegel in the Arab World

Modernity, Colonialism, and Freedom

by Lorella Ventura
Language: English
Release Date: May 2, 2018

Hegel's philosophy has been of fundamental importance for the development of contemporary thought and for the very representation of Western modernity. This book investigates Hegel’s influence in the Arab world, generally considered "other" and far from the West, focusing specifically...
Book cover of Anni '80
by Ventura Adv
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 6, 2013

-"Anni '80 Le mode musicali, i movimenti giovanili e i cambiamenti sociali di quella strana decade" Un viaggio emozionante e molto divertente (ma anche commovente e malinconico, a volte) attraverso tutto ciò che gli '80 furono in Italia e nel mondo come conseguenza della fine del...
Book cover of Il poeta comincia dove finisce l’uomo
by Adriano Ventura, Daniele Bernardini, Dario Arpaio
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 10, 2015

"In questo terzo millennio, dove l'informazione è il sapere comune che frammenta le coscienze, mancano spazi reali di confronto e incontro, proprio nella stagione in cui la condivisione orizzontale dei social media ci illude di una fittizia fratellanza globale, rigorosamente dietro un monitor....
Book cover of My Fall Through Time

My Fall Through Time

The Journey of My Life, and How, Perhaps, the Lessons I Learned Because of My Fall, Can Help You with Your Journey

by Agnes Clare Ventura
Language: English
Release Date: June 28, 2017

My Fall Through Time, is the chronological story of this authors experiences after a life-changing event. This story recalls how the author lived her life, after the catastrophe. Struck down when she was just seventeen years old, Ms. Ventura has presented us here, with the story of how her life changed...
Book cover of Ristorazione Moderna
by Max Ventura
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 12, 2013

"Ristorazione moderna. come aprire un locale in Italia senza finire in malora. Un manuale simpatico ma ben strutturato e dettagliato, ricco di esempi pratici e consigli preziosi, pensato per chi vuole entrare nel business della ristorazione e non dispone di ingenti budget o di appoggi...
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