Vito: 176 books

Book cover of I, Human Part Five: The Malevolence of Evil
by Vito Veii
Language: English
Release Date: April 10, 2019

"Here the fight was going better. I saw the astral projections of people from the material world fight alongside those who had passed over lighting frankincense and myrrh. The smoke from the incense drifted across the wall enraging the negative life forms on the other side. The incense emitted...
Book cover of The Prince

The Prince

A Novel

by Vito Bruschini
Language: English
Release Date: March 10, 2015

Based on a true story, The Prince is a “complex, informed, and intelligent saga” (Kirkus Reviews) about the web of love, betrayal, and murder that forged the most powerful criminal organization in history—the Mafia. In this remarkable novel, author Vito Bruschini brilliantly evokes the...
Book cover of Dichterische Freiheit
by Vito Volpe
Language: German
Release Date: July 27, 2014

"Dichterische Freiheit" ist eine Sammlung von 15 Gedichten (9 deutsche und 6 englische) welche unterschiedliche Themen behandeln. Von Freundschaft, unglücklicher Liebe bis zu Gedichten über die Natur setzt sich der Autor mit einer ganzen Reihe an Themen auseinander. Die kritischen, persönlichen und vor allem emotionalen Gedichte sind ihren Themen nach in 3 Kapitel aufgeteilt.
Book cover of Shasmahal - La Città Meravigliosa
by Vito Franchini
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 27, 2014

Shasmahal: un angolo di paradiso isolato dal resto del mondo, popolato da eremiti fuggiti dalla civiltà, prototipo della società perfetta. Un sogno minacciato da un nemico inaspettato, letale. La disperata fuga del suo frutto più pregiato, pronto a tutto per la salvezza di quell'utopia. Un'avventura...
Book cover of Vinyl Tiger
by Dave Di Vito
Language: English
Release Date: February 14, 2016

Out of the ashes of post-punk London, a queer dance music artist sets out on what becomes a decades-long journey at the forefront of mainstream pop.Vinyl Tiger is the story of a star; self-made, not born. One, who despite every conceivable obstacle and shortcoming, clings to the determination to follow...
Book cover of Maestrale
by Benigno Suffoletta, Anna Teresa Pullerio, Giuseppe Preianò
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 8, 2014

Il titolo dell'opera, "Maestrale", implica un viatico romantico, simbolico ed evocativo: il nome di un vento che trasporti questi componimenti in fuga, verso altri territori, altre culture, lettori, autori. All'interno del "Maestrale" (vento cardine del Mediterraneo, presente nella...
Book cover of I, Human Part Nine: Do You Take This Android To Be Your Companion?
by Vito Veii
Language: English
Release Date: April 10, 2019

Evil rules on the planet of Andronicus. Artificial Intelligence runs the state while the masses don't care. The majority of men cohabit with female androids. Is this the end of civilization or the beginning of a new one? And who is Padre Prometheus that demons, darklings and shadow soldiers are afraid of him?
Book cover of 111 Orte zwischen Lübeck und Kiel, die man gesehen haben muss
by Vito von Eichborn
Language: German
Release Date: September 18, 2015

Häufig ehrenamtlich, immer mit Begeisterung schaffen Menschen in dieser so wunderschönen und vielfältigen Region Unglaubliches: Eiszeit-, Kettensägen- und Molluskenmuseum, Fledermäuse und Pferde, Schinkenräucherei, Ziegenkäsehof und Fisch vom Kutter, Kerzen selbst ziehen und Tiere beobachten,...
Book cover of Numero + Suono = Musica
by Vito Ozzola
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 19, 2017

Saggi - saggio (95 pagine) - Se si vuole utilizzare il computer per fare musica, non si può ignorare il supporto fondamentale della matematica, perché è grazie a questa, e alla geometria dei numeri, che si può capire meglio il suono, e dunque la musica Il computer è uno strumento musicale...
Book cover of Spazi, storie e soggetti del welfare

Spazi, storie e soggetti del welfare

Sul ruolo delle politiche di welfare state nella costruzione della città

by Laura Azzolina, Piera Busacca, Giulio Ernesti
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 28, 2015

Nel commentare l'attribuzione alla Ue del Nobel per la pace 2012 Jurgen Habermas sottolinea come, accanto al merito di aver garantito la pace dopo ripetute guerre fratricide e di aver sviluppato la forza costitutiva della democrazia, il comitato svedese abbia messo in evidenza la terza grande performance...
Book cover of Asura: Undead War
by Vito Chophy
Language: English
Release Date: February 9, 2016

As the living fought among themselves, the dead awakened and fed on the living. The world grew darker and the people darker still. To protect and save the ones he loves, sixteen-year-old Geran must fight against a horde of zombies, vampires and demons. Yet, something darker than anything he has ever faced before, threatens to destroy everything he holds dear.
Book cover of Tigre d'Africa
by Vito Franchini
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 27, 2014

Discendente di grandi navigatori, cittadino più illustre di Shasmahal, la città meravigliosa, con un passato di incredibili avventure e storie da raccontare, Madhat Suburban ha intrapreso da anni la via del mare, in balia di quelle onde che lo aiutano a tenere all’orizzonte la vita reale. Ma Madhat...
Book cover of Mein Mallorca
by Vito von Eichborn
Language: German
Release Date: March 19, 2019

Vieles ist über Mallorca geschrieben worden, und möglicherweise wissen Sie alles über das ehemalige Königreich Mallorca, aber sind Ihnen alle vier deutschen Könige der Insel bekannt? Der Schlager-, der Wurst-, der Bier- und der Mietwagenkönig? Wussten Sie, dass es eine Sprechstunde für Ausländer...
Book cover of How To Make Money With Google Plus
by Vito Harris
Language: English
Release Date: February 20, 2019

GOOGLE+  IS NEW AND SMARTER WAY TO EARN MONEY! Here are some tips to How To Earn Money Through Google Plus. Google plus is rapidly growing its reach and popularity so earning money from it could be a helpful hand for earners. Go through the book to discover how to earn money from Google Plus. Yes,...
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