莉琪.科林漢Lizzie Collingham: 4 books

Book cover of The Taste of Empire

The Taste of Empire

How Britain's Quest for Food Shaped the Modern World

by Lizzie Collingham
Language: English
Release Date: October 3, 2017

A history of the British Empire told through twenty meals eaten around the world In The Taste of Empire, acclaimed historian Lizzie Collingham tells the story of how the British Empire's quest for food shaped the modern world. Told through twenty meals over the course of 450 years, from the...
Book cover of Curry


A Tale of Cooks and Conquerors

by Lizzie Collingham
Language: English
Release Date: February 6, 2006

Curry serves up a delectable history of Indian cuisine, ranging from the imperial kitchen of the Mughal invader Babur to the smoky cookhouse of the British Raj. In this fascinating volume, the first authoritative history of Indian food, Lizzie Collingham reveals that almost every well-known Indian...
Book cover of Taste of War

Taste of War

World War II and the Battle for Food

by Lizzie Collingham
Language: English
Release Date: March 29, 2012

A New York Times Notable Book of 2012 Food, and in particular the lack of it, was central to the experience of World War II. In this richly detailed and engaging history, Lizzie Collingham establishes how control of food and its production is crucial to total war. How were the imperial ambitions...
Book cover of 帝國的滋味:從探索海洋到殖民擴張,英國如何以全球食物網絡建構現代世界
by 莉琪.科林漢(Lizzie Collingham)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: January 23, 2019

《衛報》、《紐約時報》、《經濟學人》好評推薦 二○一八年飲食作家公會大獎 十六世紀英國為尋找食物開始探索海洋、同時建立帝國。在此過程中,英國人消滅原住民人口,改變地景與農業系統;殖民地的精英餐桌上,擺滿宣揚國族威信的工具;植物的遷移,促成新舊大陸農作物的哥倫布大交換,這些發展所交織的食物網創造出真正的跨全球系統,連結五個洲,塑造出現代世界的飲食樣貌。 本書每章開頭會先提到一頓膳食,之後探索是什麼樣的歷史讓這膳食得以成真。比方說,為什麼在一六九八年,一名法國男子會與一名漂亮的非裔葡萄牙女子共享鳳梨?為什麼在一九〇一年到英屬哥倫比亞探勘銅礦的團隊,最後會吃澳洲兔肉?是什麼樣的因緣際會,促成非裔蓋亞那的鑽石礦工在一九九三年烹煮咖哩鬣蜥?每則故事固然是單獨篇章,然而串連起來,便能看出食物是帝國的驅動力。 作者在跨度四百五十年的時間裡,從遠東到新世界,透過二十多道餐點,解釋非洲人如何教導美國人如何種植稻米,東印度公司如何將貿易商品由鴉片轉變為茶葉,以及美國人如何成為在世界上最能自給自足的人們。在《帝國的滋味》中,科林漢精闢地表達出,只有檢視自十六世紀的紐芬蘭漁業到現在的飲食習慣,我們才能充分了解英國的全球食品體系歷史,並從而充分了解我們的資本主義經濟及其在現代化飲食中所扮演的角色。 這本極具巧思的歷史書,說明了我們認為相當個人的食慾,其實多是由帝國謀劃而建構。本書以生動的餐食寫照,訴說英國追尋食物、推動帝國雄心壯志的故事。作者如同人類學家西敏司(Sidney...
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