Maria: 1071 books

Cover of Freedom


The Mended Heart Series, #2

by Beth Maria
Language: English
Release Date: October 6, 2014

Chloe Reed and Jake Peterson have been in love since they first set eyes on each other when they were just children. As the years went by, Jake tried to hide his feelings, whilst Chloe let hers be known. Eventually, it was all too much and Jake gave in, though their relationship was kept a secret. Until...
Cover of Roommate Menage: Sinful Neighbors Friendship
by Maria Lucy
Language: English
Release Date: February 12, 2018

Steve is sleeping in after a long week of work and an unexpected romp with two women. He already has plans to join his friends later in the night, so it comes as a surprise when his best friend, Rich calls him unexpectedly. Rich and Amy are a couple living on the edge. They have an open relationship...
Cover of Auguste Renoir: 320 Plates
by Maria Peitcheva
Language: English
Release Date: November 28, 2015

Pierre-Auguste Renoir is French painter who was important figure in the development of the Impressionist movement. As a celebrator of feminine beauty "Renoir is the last representative of a tradition which runs in a straight line from Rubens to Watteau." Renoir's artworks are famous for...
Cover of Mr. Wicker
by Maria Alexander
Language: English
Release Date: December 28, 2018

Alicia Baum is missing a deadly childhood memory. Located beyond life, The Library of Lost Childhood Memories holds the answer. But the Librarian is Mr. Wicker—a seductive yet sinister creature with an unthinkable past and an agenda just as lethal. When Alicia meets a child psychiatrist investigating...
Cover of Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge
by Rainer Maria Rilke
Language: German
Release Date: February 8, 2017

Ich sehe seit einer Weile ein, daß ich Menschen, die in der Entwicklung ihres Wesens zart und suchend sind, streng davor warnen muß, in den Aufzeichnungen Analogien für das zu finden, was sie durchmachen; wer der Verlockung nachgibt und diesem Buch parallel geht, muß notwendig abwärts kommen;...
Cover of Endure


The Mended Heart Series, #3

by Beth Maria
Language: English
Release Date: March 30, 2015

After everything we had endured together, we were finally getting married. He was finally becoming mine and I was finally becoming his. Life was perfect.A year later, we decided it was time to take the next step in our marriage – trying for a baby. It’s what I’ve wanted for as long as I can remember...
Cover of HERRLICH VERSAUT! - Sechs Sexgeschichten
by Anna-Maria Maibach
Language: German
Release Date: March 21, 2013

Ein junge Frau erliegt während der Karnevalszeit den Verführungskünsten von zwei Männern, ein junger Urlauber wird von einer älteren Frau bis aufs äußerste gereizt und ein Patient landet in einem Krankenhaus der ganz besonderen Art. Zu guter Letzt hat die Psychologin eines Gefängnisses ein...
Cover of L'amore negato
by Maria Messina
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 2, 2015

La storia di Miriam e Severa. Due giovani sorelle in cerca dell'amore.
Cover of Elogio del pensiero positivo
by Maria Elena Lallai
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 21, 2015

Questo libro non vuole essere un elogio al pensiero positivo fine a se stesso, né tanto meno mira a far della retorica. Vuole, piuttosto, fornire delle ragioni convincenti per decidersi quotidianamente a scegliere il sorriso della mente e del cuore. Un sorriso, questo, che di certo non deve essere...
Cover of Pianeti Sotto Vetro
by Maria Pellegrini
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 24, 2012

Di una specie diversa da quella che governa il suo pianeta d’origine, Meba è un grazioso umanoide, sempre di buonumore e molto orgoglioso della sua importante professione e della sua potente motomembrana che ogni mattina lo porta svolazzante al suo posto di lavoro... Meba possiede addirittura una...
Cover of Cervelli Prestati
by Maria Pellegrini
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 2, 2012

Un gruppo di scienziati è riuscito a costruire il primo modello funzionale di teletrasporto mentale organico, il cosciensificatore, la macchina da corsa per le strade dell’Universo.  Si cercano volontari per collaudare l’invenzione.  Fino ad allora erano disponibili soltanto prototipi dozzinali...
Cover of Tuméng
by Maria Pellegrini
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 3, 2013

La storia del capitano Tuméng utilizza l'allusione di open source contro il software proprietario quale veicolo per esplorare il delicato tema dell’intelligenza artificiale.  Da una parte abbiamo Tuméng, un Ricostruito, un'intelligenza artificiale che ci parla delle difficoltà che quelli come...
Cover of Zetana La Disconnessa
by Maria Pellegrini
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 2, 2011

La Connessione Universale era il modo in cui la conoscenza fluiva attorno ai corpi celesti della Galassia Madre.  Era un plasma che permeava il tutto, che dava e riceveva il sapere quasi inconsapevolmente.  Ambientata nel classico incubo di un futuro dominato dall'assoluto controllo mentale, la...
Cover of Racconti Dalla Galassia Madre
by Maria Pellegrini
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 31, 2013

Un grande guerra apre gli scenari surreali della Galassia Madre. Ma cos'è che controlla realmente i meccanismi dell'Universo? Come mai Zetana fa tante domande strane e non si 'connette' come tutti gli altri? UIGO, il reporter intergalattico che va alla ricerca di realtà, scopre la storia suprema...
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