Narendra Modi's first year as Indian Prime Minister has witnessed many bold and pragmatic moves as part of India's foreign policy initiatives. What is the larger game plan that he is following? Is India now ready to be more engaged in global affairs? How would he balance China? Or would he? This brief commissioned by Society for Policy Studies and written by a former top Indian diplomat Amit Dasgupta answers these and many other questions as also unravels the new Indian government's foreign policy and shares a prospective road map for the future. A must-read for all foreign policy professionals, this report would be invaluable to FIIs and multinational corporations looking to do business with India as well.
Narendra Modi's first year as Indian Prime Minister has witnessed many bold and pragmatic moves as part of India's foreign policy initiatives. What is the larger game plan that he is following? Is India now ready to be more engaged in global affairs? How would he balance China? Or would he? This brief commissioned by Society for Policy Studies and written by a former top Indian diplomat Amit Dasgupta answers these and many other questions as also unravels the new Indian government's foreign policy and shares a prospective road map for the future. A must-read for all foreign policy professionals, this report would be invaluable to FIIs and multinational corporations looking to do business with India as well.