"Perception was written in light of discovering why we think the way we do, where do we get our mindsets and what does it take to really change them? I was taken down a road of discovery for myself and would like to share them with you. I encourage you to peruse this book carefully. Take your time. Ponder on what perception you have of yourself. Ask yourself if any of these mindsets register truth to you. Jesus desires for us to be free. He came so we would have the gift of redemption in every area of our lives. Our mind controls everything we see, taste, touch, hear, and believe. If we truly desire our lives to change, we must allow God to change the way we think. What will it take to change yours?"
"Perception was written in light of discovering why we think the way we do, where do we get our mindsets and what does it take to really change them? I was taken down a road of discovery for myself and would like to share them with you. I encourage you to peruse this book carefully. Take your time. Ponder on what perception you have of yourself. Ask yourself if any of these mindsets register truth to you. Jesus desires for us to be free. He came so we would have the gift of redemption in every area of our lives. Our mind controls everything we see, taste, touch, hear, and believe. If we truly desire our lives to change, we must allow God to change the way we think. What will it take to change yours?"