Awakening and using intuitive abilities no longer causes eyebrows to rise. Women, in particular, are seeking information on how-to wake up their inner expert. Their interests range from chakra balancing to cosmic-ordering, future life progression to self-hypnosis with plenty in-between This book has all the techniques that Barbara demonstrates and teaches during her retreats and workshops. These were developed as a fun way to meld the esoteric with the corporate. Barbara shows how to understand your mind using hypnotic meditative techniques that lead naturally to expansion of self-awareness. Inner abilities are switched on in a fun easy manner. The Psychic Way is everything you need to know about being super-intuitive plus how to use the knowledge for pleasure or to ensure success in business.
Awakening and using intuitive abilities no longer causes eyebrows to rise. Women, in particular, are seeking information on how-to wake up their inner expert. Their interests range from chakra balancing to cosmic-ordering, future life progression to self-hypnosis with plenty in-between This book has all the techniques that Barbara demonstrates and teaches during her retreats and workshops. These were developed as a fun way to meld the esoteric with the corporate. Barbara shows how to understand your mind using hypnotic meditative techniques that lead naturally to expansion of self-awareness. Inner abilities are switched on in a fun easy manner. The Psychic Way is everything you need to know about being super-intuitive plus how to use the knowledge for pleasure or to ensure success in business.