Fitness category: 4045 books

Cover of Animal Athletics

Animal Athletics

Bodyweight training with Animal Moves based on nature's model

by Eva Foraita, Fabian Allmacher
Language: English
Release Date: October 23, 2017

Highly effective functional training - anywhere and at any time! Animals are born athletes. The massive force of a bear, the running speed of a cheetah or the enormous mobility of a wildcat astonishes us again and again. Animal Athletics is based on these natural, intuitive movement patterns. It allows...
Cover of Fit To Fat

Fit To Fat

In 8 Weeks

by Paul Nam
Language: English
Release Date: April 5, 2017

"Paul, THANK YOU! With your professional training and encouragement to help me get into better shape. By eating properly and giving me the encouragement to get me to where I am from 209 lbs to 185lbs. I have lost 3lbs off my waist and have kept the weight off. CHEERS to you!" Jim Hunt. Should...
Cover of Yoga for Fitness

Yoga for Fitness

Mojo's Yoga, #7

by Monique Joiner Siedlak
Language: English
Release Date: July 8, 2018

Learn about poses which will work your entire body, burn fat, and tone muscle. Adding these poses into your daily routine will produce overall improvements in strength and fitness, as well as: Reduce the Risk of Injury Perfect Your Posture Enhance Your Bone Health Drop...
Cover of The Swimmer's Workout Handbook

The Swimmer's Workout Handbook

Improve Fitness with 100 Swim Workouts and Drills

by Terri Schneider
Language: English
Release Date: July 25, 2017

100 of the best swim workouts for all experience levels: fitness, Masters level, or competition. Easy-to-follow pool workouts designed to make you a stronger, faster, and more proficient swimmer. The Swimmer’s Workout Handbook is a complete guide to escaping the routine of pool swimming with...
Cover of Men's Health Workout War

Men's Health Workout War

Lose Pounds, Gain Muscle, Destroy Your Opponents

by Jim Cotta
Language: English
Release Date: April 7, 2015

To reach your weight-loss goal, start a Workout War contest with your friends. Studies show that competition and financial rewards motivate people to stick to exercise and diets. Former Los Angeles Lakers strength coach Jim Cotta presents an innovative get-in-shape program in Men's Health Workout...
Cover of Radio Taiso for Strength and Fitness
by Richie Neville
Language: English
Release Date: March 10, 2018

Having completed the Internal Force Fitness interpretation of the Radio Taiso exercise routine for general well-being regardless of age or gender, you might now want to advance to the slightly higher impact second routine - although you can start with this routine if you wish. This second series...
Cover of The FitKim Lifestyle Food & Fitness to get YOU Fit!
by Kimberly Coventry
Language: English
Release Date: May 8, 2012

What is The FitKim Lifestyle? The FitKim Lifestyle is a complete guide to teaching you everything you need to know to live healthier, become more active and learn how to finally lose those stubborn pounds! Kimberly Coventry, affectionately known as FitKim, takes a simple approach that makes it easy...
Cover of Musclegasm


A New Face for Fitness

Language: English
Release Date: March 4, 2014

The discoveries that I have made in the field of fitness are unique and have qualities that current mainstream fitness programs don't. I have discovered a weight training technique that will provide unmatched results in strength and coordination that conventional weight training cannot supply. I have...
Cover of Walk to Lose Weight and Get Inner Peace
by Bob D'Costa
Language: English
Release Date: March 2, 2018

Are you currently sedentary or have a low activity level and want to learn how to gradually increase your health and fitness levels while losing weight one step at a time? Want to start losing weight quickly starting today using the easiest and most convenient form of exercise? The nerve center...
Cover of Il Manuale Pratico del Fitness
by Carmelo Emanuele
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 28, 2015

Il libro per tutti gli appassionati di fitness, che non può assolutamente mancare nelle palestre. Un manuale con ben 80 schede pronte da stampare e 210 immagini di esercizi. Le ultime metodologie applicate per l'allenamento della massa muscolare e della forza. Le migliori tecniche per la perdita...
Cover of Krafttraining - Die Enzyklopädie

Krafttraining - Die Enzyklopädie

381 Übungen und 116 Trainingsprogramme für optimalen Muskelaufbau, maximale Kraftsteigerung und Fettabbau

by Jim Stoppani
Language: German
Release Date: February 18, 2016

Dieses auf wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen basierende Handbuch ist der umfassende Trainingsratgeber zur Maximierung von Muskelmasse und Kraft. Es behandelt alle Aspekte der optimalen Kraftentwicklung und des Muskelaufbaus, erklärt wichtige Begrifflichkeiten und Konzepte, bespricht alle einsetzbaren...
Cover of Animal Athletics

Animal Athletics

Bodyweight-Training mit Animal Moves nach dem Vorbild der Natur

by Eva Foraita, Fabian Allmacher
Language: German
Release Date: July 11, 2016

Tiere sind die geborenen Athleten. Die geballte Kraft eines Bären, die Laufgeschwindigkeit eines Geparden oder die enorme Beweglichkeit einer Wildkatze versetzen uns immer wieder in Erstaunen. Auf diesen natürlichen, intuitiven Bewegungsmustern beruhen Animal Athletics, eine Trainingsform, die ohne...
Cover of 50 Workouts - Die besten Challenges

50 Workouts - Die besten Challenges

Vom ultimativen Sixpack-Workout bis zur 5-Minuten-Multiplanke

by Marcel Doll
Language: German
Release Date: November 13, 2017

Jeder Sportler sucht irgendwann eine neue Herausforderung und kann sich mit diesen 50 Challenges neue Trainingsziele setzen und seinen Wettkampfgeist schärfen. Ob mit der 5-Minuten-Multiplanke, dem Sixpack-Workout, HIT- und Tabata-Einheiten oder der Burpee-Challenge - es geht um Zeit, Ausdauer, Kraft,...
Cover of HIT-Fitness


HochIntensitätsTraining - maximaler Muskelaufbau in kürzester Zeit

by Prof. Dr. Dr. Jürgen Gießing
Language: German
Release Date: July 12, 2010

Welcher Mann träumt nicht von einem durchtrainierten Körper mit Sixpack und starken Arm- und Brustmuskeln? Welche Frau hätte nicht gern straffe Oberarme und Schenkel? Wenn man sich dafür nur nicht so lang im Studio abmühen müsste ...! Das Hochintensitätstraining, kurz: HIT, ist eine auf aktuellen...
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