Multicultural Education category: 1336 books

Cover of Dimensions of Justice

Dimensions of Justice

English Teachers' Perspectives on Cultural Diversity

by Rita Thorpe Lamb
Language: English
Release Date: December 3, 2010

Teacher leaders are practicing researchers. They constantly investigate and reflect on innovative strategies for student success. During a season of drastic change in Durham, North Carolina, public school teachers were forced to reconceptualize the curriculum. Two separate and unequal school districts...
Cover of Exploring Diversity through Multimodality, Narrative, and Dialogue
by Mary B. McVee, Fenice B. Boyd
Language: English
Release Date: September 16, 2015

Exploring Diversity through Multimodality, Narrative, and Dialogue awakens educators to the ways in which values, beliefs, language use, culture, identity, social class, race, and other factors filter approaches to teaching and expectations for students. Designed as a guide to help educators engage...
Cover of Teaching Common Core English Language Arts Standards

Teaching Common Core English Language Arts Standards

20 Lesson Frameworks for Elementary Grades

by Patricia M. Cunningham, James W. Cunningham
Language: English
Release Date: August 24, 2014

Ensure students develop proficiency in reading, speaking and listening, writing, and language. Explore 20 lesson frameworks to help teach the Common Core State Standards for English language arts. Discover targeted lessons to help students master critical skills, including how to organize ideas from...
Cover of Children's Voices: Studies of interethnic conflict and violence in European schools
Language: English
Release Date: May 9, 2014

How are the processes of increasing ethnic and racial diversity reflected in European schools? How do children and educators experience and perceive interethnic relations in schools? This book examines the issues of interethnic coexistence, the management of ethnic diversity, xenophobic and...
Cover of Le Québec, la Charte, l'Autre Et après?
by Leïla Benhadjoudja, Ryoa Chung, Ellen Corin
Language: French
Release Date: March 10, 2014

Huit femmes, universitaires et intellectuelles, ont engagé la réflexion autour de la Charte, de l’avenir de la société et du vivre-ensemble. Elles inventorient attitudes, postures, dérives et discours identitaires. Elles dénoncent l’exclusion, l’arrogance et la discrimination, en questionnant...
Cover of Pensare Yin Essere Yang: ovvero come avere uno spirito dolce un corpo forte
by Patricia Müller
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 27, 2014

Questo è un manuale, che presenta il TaoYoga, il TaoFit e le varie tecniche di respirazione attraverso lo studio delle due forze contrarie, ma complementari del mondo taoista (Yin e Yang), delle Cinque Stagioni, dei canali energetici della Medicina Cinese e di una attenta analisi dei muscoli. Da...
Cover of Letters To The Posterity (Popular Philosophy And Explanation Of Life)
by Chris Myrski
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2019

Abstract (cont.): Many of these things are explained in other books and papers, yet because I am nearing my 70 I can have what to say to all of, supposedly my, descendants, and a bit of repetition (if somebody has read all my things, in what I don’t believe) does not hurt. Here I am trying to make...
Cover of La parabola di chi viene e chi va

La parabola di chi viene e chi va

20 racconti delle autrici di Lingua Madre

by AA. VV.
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 6, 2012

Tra confessioni, confidenze e confronti, il filo conduttore di questo percorso tra le prime due antologie del Concorso letterario nazionale “Lingua Madre” è la relazione: un legame tra donne vivo e ancestrale, pulsante, a volte doloroso ma viscerale, sempre appassionato, senza tempo né spazio,...
Cover of Central African Folk Tales

Central African Folk Tales

An Imaginative Collection of Wisdom for Children

by Thomas G. Schaefer Ph.D.
Language: English
Release Date: October 16, 2014

Central Africa is at the core of the African continent. The nations which comprise this region are inhabited by hundreds of different ethnic or tribal groups. While there are many differences among these groups of people, there are also many similarities. Oral tradition has played a very strong role...
Cover of Non so come sia da voi, ma da noi è così

Non so come sia da voi, ma da noi è così

Favole per un percorso alla nonviolenza

by Carlo Bellisai, Pat Patfoort
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 5, 2017

Le favole narrate dalla scimmia Bommi danno vita a un percorso didattico per un approccio nonviolento ai conflitti. Attraverso la metafora animale emergono tutti i problemi dell’umanità legati alle relazioni violente a partire dalla guerra e dalla violenza fisica, fino alla “piccola” discriminazione...
Cover of Éduquer aux plurilinguismes et à la diversité en contextes francophones : démarches et outils
by Philippe Blanchet, Claire Vilpoux
Language: French
Release Date: November 16, 2015

Intégrer la diversité linguistique et culturelle, notamment en s’appuyant sur des langues moins répandues ou minorées, dans les perspectives de l’éducation à la diversité soulève en effet toute une série de questions sur les enjeux, les modalités et les effets de cette inclusion. Des...
Cover of Multiculturalismo
by Domenico Melidoro
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 8, 2015

Il sogno di una convivenza pacifica di culture ed etnie diverse ha animato per lungo tempo il dibattito politico occidentale, spingendo in molti casi i governi a perseguire iniziative e programmi politici concreti in tal senso. A metà degli anni ’90, il progetto di una società multiculturale sembrava...
Cover of Sometimes I Can Be Anything

Sometimes I Can Be Anything

Power, Gender, and Identity in a Primary Classroom

by Karen Gallas
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

In her third book, Sometimes I Can Be Anything, Karen Gallas explores young children’s experience and understanding of gender, race, and power as revealed by the interactions within her first and second grade classroom. Presenting classroom research conducted over a four-year period, this experienced...
Cover of Negotiating Identities

Negotiating Identities

Anglophones Teaching and Living in Quebec

by Diane Gerin-Lajoie
Language: English
Release Date: April 6, 2016

As members of an official linguistic minority in Canada, Anglophone teachers living and working in Quebec have a distinct experience of the relationship between language and identity. In Negotiating Identities, Diane Gérin-Lajoie uses a critical sociological framework to explore the life stories...
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