Adler: 663 books

Book cover of Dark Heart
by Karyn Adler
Language: French
Release Date: August 30, 2018

Sombre, parfois violent, souvent dérangeant, un peu agaçant, mais tellement troublant !***Lee a connu l’enfer. Quant à Aiden, il a fait de sa propre vie un cauchemar. Lee devrait le fuir, elle n’a pas besoin de quelqu’un d’aussi détruit que lui dans sa vie. Mais le bad boy aux yeux d’orage...
Book cover of The Spring of Seduction
by D. W. Adler
Language: English
Release Date: March 13, 2013

Brijit McRaith has been on the run for centuries. Pursued by her mad creator for most of her years as a vampire, she has finally found peace and sanctuary in her native Ireland. But a modern world on the brink of war has caught up with her and after decades of quiet, Brijit finds herself on the run...
Book cover of Saving Earth Planet
by C. S. Adler
Language: English
Release Date: April 26, 2016

The Directors for a planet in another galaxy of our universe are concerned that Earth is destroying itself. They decide to send someone to educate Earthlings on how to preserve their environment, stop fighting each other and start loving each other. Young, impulsive YZ offers to go. The first Earth...
Book cover of El castillo de hielo

El castillo de hielo

Sherlock, Lupin y yo 5

by Irene Adler
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 21, 2014

Sherlock, Irene y Arsène se encuentra en Davos-Platz, con los Alpes suizos como magnífi co escenario. Detrás del tranquilo ir y venir de los veraneantes se esconde, sin embargo, una intriga internacional. En un ambiente de sospecha en el que nadie es quien parece ser, Irene y sus amigos se...
Book cover of Danny's Doodles: The Dog Biscuit Breakfast
by David Adler
Language: English
Release Date: August 4, 2015

Calvin Waffle doesn't believe in bad ideas Danny knows his friend Calvin has crazy ideas, so he's not surprised when Calvin suggests they start a Rent-a-Pet business. After all, Calvin's Aunt Ruth wants the boys to watch her dog while she's away, and what better way to get the miniature Collie...
Book cover of In the Shadow of Lies

In the Shadow of Lies

An Oliver Wright Mystery Novel

by M.A. Adler
Language: English
Release Date: June 10, 2014

Richmond, California. World War II. A cross burning takes innocent lives and unsettles the town. After Japan attacks Pearl Harbor, American Italians start to disappear, a rapist promises to revisit his victims, and someone viciously beats shipyard workers – to death. His failure to solve these seemingly...
Book cover of Encontro na Provença
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: February 28, 2012

Book cover of Regresso a Itália
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: April 13, 2012

O marido de Lamour Harrington morreu há dois anos. Desde então, Lamour deixou-se absorver pelo seu trabalho de arquiteta paisagista, mas nem sequer a criação de belas «salas» exteriores consegue devolver-lhe a paz interior. Quando é confrontada com uma horrível verdade sobre o marido que adorava,...
Book cover of Bons baisers de Barcelone
by Elizabeth ADLER
Language: French
Release Date: June 6, 2013

Après les plages paradisiaques de Malibu, une virée estivale à Saint-Tropez et une dispute à Monte Carlo, direction Barcelone pour la suite et fin des aventures du plus glamour des duos, Mac Reilly et Sunny Alvarez, détectives de choc et de charme ! Après les plages de Malibu, une virée...
Book cover of 25 Essentials: Techniques for Grilling Fish
by Karen Adler, Judith Fertig
Language: English
Release Date: April 17, 2010

There’s something fishy going on – on the grill, that is. That’s a good thing, when we’re talking grilled seafood. It’s easy to cook up great fish and shellfish on the grill, once you’ve mastered the essentials. Lucky for you, you’ve found those essentials, right here in this book. With...
Book cover of BBQ Bash

BBQ Bash

The Be-all, End-all Party Guide, from Barefoot to Black Tie

by Karen Adler, Judith Fertig
Language: English
Release Date: March 5, 2008

The be-all, end-all BBQ party guide; with full color photos throughout.
Book cover of 25 Essentials: Techniques for Planking

25 Essentials: Techniques for Planking

Every Technique Paired with a Recipe

by Karen Adler, Judith Fertig
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2017

Plank cooking is the simplest way to infuse food with a subtle aroma and flavor of smoke. 25 Essentials: Techniques for Planking is all you need to start. The cooking technique simply called planking has already taken the Pacific Northwest by storm and has been getting a major foothold in...
Book cover of Fish & Shellfish, Grilled & Smoked

Fish & Shellfish, Grilled & Smoked

300 Foolproof Recipes for Everything from Amberjack to Whitefish, Plus Really Good Rubs, Marvelous M

by Karen Adler, Judith Fertig
Language: English
Release Date: March 28, 2002

300 foolproof recipes for everything from Amberjack to Whitefish, plus really good rubs, marvelous marinades, sassy sauces, and sumptuous sides.
Book cover of The Best Little Grilling Cookbook
by Karen Adler
Language: English
Release Date: July 31, 2013

The second book in the new BEST LITTLE COOKBOOKS series is GRILLING uses the simple technique of cooking quickly over high heat over charcoal or hardwood. Hickory-Flavored Pork Patties, Pacific Rim Salmon Fillets, and Stir-Grilled Shrimp with Sugar Snap Peas are just a sampling. And vegetarians should try the Grilled Eggplant with Preserved Basil and Sundried Tomatoes. COMING IN JUNE.
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